Facial Discovery Session™
at Facelove Medispa
What is a Facial Discovery Session™?
A Facial Discovery Session™ is a one on one, complimentary 45 minute education session between yourself and one of our highly skilled practitioners. They will walk you through all the options for treatment specifically related to you. We will show you before and after photos of our own patients who have had dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. You need to know our highly skilled practitioners are artists and choose your clinic wisely.
We encourage you to ask any questions you want to, it is your 45 minutes. You own it.
Our Philosophy
During the Facial Discovery Session™, we will discuss our own aesthetic philosophy – we love natural looking results, no body should know you have had treatment. You should look refreshed, like you have been on a nice holiday.
Treatment Plan
We will, together with you, create a personally designed treatment plan so that you will know which treatments are best for you and when you could space them out through the year for best results.
How much does the Facial Discovery Session™ cost?
There is absolutely no catch or hidden cost involved. At Facelove Medispa, Education is one of our core values. Our Facial Discovery Session™ is aimed at educating you to make the best possible decisions in regards to your aesthetic outcomes.

Cosmetic Injectables – what is this all about?
We love educating our patients about facial rejuvenation and cosmetic injectables
The most common questions that we get asked about cosmetic injectables are:
- Can I look less tired with dermal fillers?
- How do anti-wrinkle injections work?
- Should I have fillers or should I have anti-wrinkle injections? What’s the difference?
- Can you reduce the dark circles under my eyes?
- How much does all of this cost?
- Why do some people look fake and some people look natural with fillers?
- How safe are these injectable products?
- Will I have to keep doing this forever?
- When is the right age to start having cosmetic injectables?
- Will I bruise from these injections?
- Can you fix the “smokers lines” on my upper lip?
- Can I have a treatment plan so that I know which treatment is best for me and when I should have it?
Do you want answers to these questions and more? Book your Facial Discovery Session™ at Facelove Medispa.
Complimentary 45 Minute Facial Discovery Session™
Please fill in the form below to have one of our customer care team contact you to book in your 45 minute complimentary Facial Discovery Session™ at Facelove Medispa in St Kilda.
View before and after photos of our own cosmetic injectable work
These are some examples of the natural looking work achieved by our highly skilled Facelove Medispa practitioners
All treatments carry risks and benefits, which will be discussed in your consultation. All information is general. Patient results are variable case by case. All before and after photos were signed out in a release from the patient.