Capillary Redness Reduction
at Facelove Medispa

All treatments carry risks and benefits, which will be discussed in your consultation. All information is general. Patient results are variable case by case. All before and after photos were signed out in a release from the patient.
What is the IPL redness reduction treatment?
As we age, our skin gradually changes in colour. We develop pigmentation and redness through sun damage, genetics, dietary behaviours and ageing. The colours red and brown (spots) in a face indicate an unhealthy or ageing person. For this reason, make up and cosmetics are prolific. With laser, we can reduce redness and pigmentation and bring the skin closer to one smooth colour.
How does the IPL redness reduction treatment work?
We use a laser that targets the red colours in our capillaries. This laser only heats the colour red and will not heat the surrounding tissue. The capillaries then fade after the laser treatment leaving a smoother coloured complexion. You can compliment this laser treatment by using medical skin care such as Niacinamide to calm the skin. At Facelove, our lasers are high quality and our practitioners qualified to deliver safe results.
What can I expect on the day after treatment?
Having a laser treatment to reduce capillaries may leave you looking red and flushed on the day. This will pass in 24 hours.
What can I expect from the treatment overall?
At Facelove, we enjoy performing this treatment to improve the overall colour and appearance of the skin. We love to see our clients wearing less make up. That’s what we love.
All treatments carry risks and benefits, which will be discussed in your consultation. All information is general. Patient results are variable case by case. All before and after photos were signed out in a release from the patient.